Деньги по женски
Gain clarity and put your financial matters in order!
3 weeks
Your coach, Olga Holte. She has extensive experience from her past working history as a financial advisor, managing member, and owner of Registered Investment Advisor firm, certified financial educator, certified tax preparer, Math and Physics teacher.
Изучаем американские финансы на русском языке! Необходимые знания для каждого человека живущего в США.
Даже если вы не очень хорошо знаете английский язык, этот курс поможет вам понять специфические финансовые термины, так как кадры презентаций, формы, таблицы на английском языке, но лекции, объяснения, консультации на русском.
Наша цель не только получить знания, но и выработать ценную привычку заботиться о наших финансах регулярно, быть мотивированными в выполнении задуманной цели. Поэтому регулярность в выполнении заданий очень важна, но не является строго обязательной.
Ваша финансовая информация останется с вами. Вам не надо будет делиться никакими персональными сведениями.
Ознакомьтесь с содержанием программы
Обзорная информация о содержании курса
Personal Finances Program
First Month
Welcome live class at 5 pm PST or recording (about the program and what you should know about personal finances)
Background Form
Start your visual goal
Compound Interest video
The list of concerns
Financial Formula video
Goal Classification
Financial Planning Process video
Financial Documents Checklist
Financial Institutions, video
Dreams. Goal Setting
One-on-one meeting
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
Conclusions out of the Goal Form
The Golden Rule of Personal Finances
Your work history form
Measuring Your Financial Success: Net Worth & Cash Flow, video
One-on-one meeting
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
Sources of Income form
Life Goals and Psychological Age, video
Money blocks search
Working with money blocks
Dream Board
One-on-one meeting
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
Key people form
M1W4D2 Rising vibration. Add regular dreaming
Working on the Life Line/ Wealth Template video
Collection of life goals video
Dream, goals + math
One-on-one meeting
Second Month
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
Your Financial Risks PDF
Asset classes and risk, video
Risk tolerance revised PDF
Net worth and risk revised PDF
Action plan for adjusting risk
One-on-one meeting
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
Budget and Emergency funds, video and PDF
Mortgage, video
Wishlist for your home, video, and PDF
Debts and credit cards, video and PDF
Credit score, video
One-on-one meeting
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
Proper protection video
Insurance video
Second day for the insurance video
Your proper protection PDF
Protect your income. Annuity video
One-on-one meeting
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
Two templates, present payments video
Financial accounts, video
Retirement financial accounts, video
401(k), 403 (b), video
401(k), 403 (b), pdf
One-on-one meeting
Third Month
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
Traditional IRA and Roth IRA, video
IRA and Roth IRA, PDF
RMDs, video
Rollovers to IRA to Roth IRA, video
One-on-one meeting
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
Prohibited investments and prohibited transactions in IRA
Self-Directed IRA
Taxes, video
Your taxes, understanding the tax return, video
Your own tax strategy, video
Your own tax strategy, PDF
One-on-one meeting
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
Social Security Benefits video
Eliminating tax on Social Security Benefits
Investment in Real Estate, video
Your own business, video
Your own business PDF
One-on-one meeting
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
College funds, video
Penalties, video
Estate taxes, will, probate, video
Beneficiary checklist, PDF
Divorce and finances, video
One-on-one meeting
Live class at 5 pm PST or recording
Simplicity and order in finances, video
Budget and templates
Questions and answers
Questions and answers
One-on-one meeting