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Could magnesium deficiency be contributing to your hormone imbalances?

A whole heap of vitamins and minerals can affect your hormone health and a deficiency in any of them can throw the delicate balance out of whack. Magnesium is definitely no exception.

Magnesium is super important for a huge amount of essential functions in the body, including hormone production.

You may know that lack of magnesium can cause a ton of physical problems including muscle cramps, headaches, and sleep problems but you may be less familiar with how it can also affect your hormone health.

So let’s talk about the impact it has!

One of the super key roles magnesium has for hormone health involves the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis. The hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland to release hormones so if the HPA axis is out of whack, your hormones will be too.

Magnesium also reduces the effects of progesterone on the central nervous system and helps the liver detox. The latter can be super important for getting rid of excess estrogen.

It’s one of the reasons why low progesterone and estrogen dominance can at least partially stem from a magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is one of the nutrients that you are more likely to be deficient in, especially if you're under chronic stress.

Good sources include nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, avocados, and leafy greens.

Other factors that can affect your magnesium levels include gut health, birth control pills, medication, alcohol, and age. These can be culprits for low magnesium levels, especially if your diet is lacking too.

For healthy hormones, it's super crucial to make sure you're getting plenty of magnesium!

See you soon!

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